Audition Resolve



Audition Feedback from Experts

Struggling to turn auditions into bookings? Our seasoned instructors can pinpoint exactly what's holding you back.

How It Unfolds:

  1. Send and Wait: Email your self-tape and audition sides to

  2. Review Instructor’s Feedback: Receive a link to your audition video, annotated with our expert’s feedback. Feedback comments are time-stamped at specific moments where improvement is needed.

  3. Book a one on one: Instructor will send you their Calendly link to discuss the feedback.

  4. Audition Diary: Study at your leisure and access these insightful notes whenever you need. These can be used and/or added as your “audition diary”. Refer back anytime for focused, comprehensive guidance.

Unlock the secrets to a compelling performance and turn those auditions into bookings. Get started today.

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